Puan Asiah Bashah Success Story

Success Story Sections 

Usually, a success stories usually consist of the following section, and roughly in the following order:

  • The Customer:
    Describing the customer’s organization and the past success for the customer
  • The Challenge:
    What are the pain points in the initial situation?
  • The Solution:
    How was the Challenge resolved?
  • The Theme:
    Present the theme in detail. You may provide an example, layout a bit of general business theory about the theme, explain design considerations and alternative approaches, and why these alternatives where not chosen.
  • The Implementation:
    Explain the “adventures” that the hero experienced when leaving the initial situation. How did the hero overcome the difficulties?
  • Results:
    Explain the planned and surprising/unplanned advantages of the new final.
  • The Implementation Provider: (optional)
    Describe yourself (the ]po[ partner’s organization) and why you were the right people to help the customer to successfully complete the quest.
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